The SDAPHCC hosted the West River Golf Tournament on Thursday, September 5 at Elkhorn Ridge Golf Course in Spearfish, SD.
Twelve teams of golfers enjoyed 9 holes of golf followed by dinner. During dinner, a prize drawing was held and pin prizes were awarded.
In addition, prizes were also given to the first place and second place teams.
First place team: Terry Campbell, Eric Pena, Jacob Lindblom, Georg Olson
Second place team: Mike Austin, Steve Vernon, Zach Koehn, Luiz Gonzalez
A special thank you to the following hole, dinner and prize sponsors for making this event possible:
Dinner Sponsors
Plumbing & Heating Wholesale
O’Connor Company
Prize Sponsors
Federated Insurance
Mulcahy Company
Hole & Pin Prize Sponsors
Mechanical Sales SD
Mitchell Plumbing & Heating
Mulcahy Co
Redlinger Bros Plumbing & Heating
Northwest Pipe Fittings – Rapid City
Wolff’s Plumbing & Heating
Winner Plumbing
Prize Sponsor and Annual Premier Sponsor – Federated Insurance
Annual Gold Sponsor – Northwest Pipe Fittings
Annual Bronze Sponsor – Dakota Supply Group
Annual Bronze Sponsor – Winsupply of W Sioux Falls, Rapid City Winsupply, Winsupply of
Watertown, & Yankton Winnelson