The following individuals have served as President of the SDAPHCC:
George Hunt, Huron
Joe Vinatieri, Yankton
John Giese, Mitchell
Norman Mathers, Sioux Falls
H. M. Bennet, Clark
Andy Traut, Rapid City
L. M. McCarthy, Mitchell
C. Emil Carlson, Sioux Falls
L. Breedlove, Madison
Gus V. Swanson, Mitchell
A. B. Vinatieri, Yankton
Ralph T. Kelly, Aberdeen
Larry Howe, Sioux Falls
Glenn W. Hart, Gettysburg
Herman Meetser, Sioux Falls
C. K. Gerlach, Rapid City
James F. Sanders, Mitchell
Howard A. Jacobs, Rapid City
Robert Howe, Sioux Falls
W. D. Ebert, Rapid City
Francis Lundeen, Kearney, NE
Julian Wolff, Lemmon
Earl Burnison, Huron
Howard Redlinger, Watertown
Don L’Espearance, Rapid City
Carl Sheesley, Mitchell
Jeff B. Haverly, Britton
Bob Risager, Aberdeen
Fred Magee, Pierre
Earl Chesnik, Redfield
Dale Sheesley, Mitchell
Ralph Holmes, Rapid City
Bruce MacDonald, Aberdeen,
Ed Scott, Sioux Falls
Howard Jacobs, Rapid City
Larry Howe, Sioux Falls
Ron Turner, Vermillion
John Redlinger, Watertown
Steve Risager, Aberdeen
Mel Gerlach, Rapid City
Gene Kast, Rapid City
Doug Cecil, Madison
Shirley Foster, Rapid City
Orville Taecker, Watertown
George Ust, Brookings
Greg Sheesley, Mitchell
Dwayne Klarenbeek, Sioux Falls
Jim Redlinger, Watertown
Greg Hartman, Spearfish
Paul Taecker, Watertown
Margo Anderson, Huron
Dan Rux, Aberdeen
Colin Wunder, Howard
Terry Sharkey, Spearfish
Andy Bruce, Pierre
Tom Hines, Sioux Falls